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Project Development / [DONATE] Goldcoin Development Needs Your Help
« Last post by MicroGuy on October 18, 2021, 09:10:46 AM »
The Goldcoin Team has hired new staff and is requesting community support so we can continue growing.

$GLC Donation Address: Dt2z8VCHAfR25JFyZS6WYKvtPusbDYeR9h

$BTC Donation Address: bc1qyec4hzfzkud5xe3zldfyjds0stnta74aln5tr8

These funds will be applied to the following areas:

  • VPS (Virtual Private Servers)
  • Website hosting
  • Moderator salaries
  • Advertising/Marketing
  • Domain Renewals
  • Contract developers (iOS, etc.)
  • Exchange listing fees
  • Block explorers
  • Bounty campaigns

Thank you all for your support!  :thumbsup:
GoldCoin Discussion / [NEW RELEASE] Goldcoin Core v0.14.8 Has Just Been Released
« Last post by MicroGuy on July 18, 2021, 10:42:24 AM »
July 18, 2021

Download: >> https://www.goldcoinproject.org/downloads.html

(Note: This is an update to the desktop client. This update does not impact mobile users.)


As our network continues to grow, we are seeing an increase in transaction count and block size.

A few weeks ago, a 6MB block was mined. This is the first time since v0.14.5's initial release (which increased our block size to 32MB) that a block greater than 2MB had been mined. This resulted in a previously unknown bug in the client being discovered that banned nodes containing blocks greater than 4MB.

This bug has been fixed in v0.14.8.

[How to Upgrade]

-- If you are running an older version of the client, and it's in sync and working, simply close the client and upgrade.

-- If you are installing the desktop client for the first time, simply download and install the update.

-- If you are currently running a client that won't sync with the network, follow the steps in the next section.

[Stuck Clients]

If you are currently running an older version of the Goldcoin client that will not sync, you must close the client and delete the /blocks and /chainstate folders in the data directory. The directory locations vary depending on your operating system.

Windows: Users/<username>/AppData/Roaming/Goldcoin

MAC: ~/Library/Application Support/Goldcoin

Linux: .Goldcoin

Once you have closed the client and deleted the /blocks and /chainstate folders. Install the latest update and allow the client to resync with the network.

For additional support, please reply here or use our #support channel in Discord.

Discord: https://discord.me/goldcoin
The Break Room / Re: [MUSIC] What Are You Listening to at the Moment?
« Last post by cryptosolar on July 10, 2021, 11:30:17 PM »
Mining & Pools / Re: GLC ASIA Roadmap
« Last post by cryptosolar on July 10, 2021, 10:03:10 PM »
Hello mrgoldcoin


in the first sentence you say "giving you a fixed return"  then in the first box "Lease fee may vary due to market conditions"

1) "fixed" is not "vary"

2) "pays you a monthly fee"  sounds not correct ? maybe it can pay a return ?

3)200 $ USD is still a lot for a minimum investment. Also why is this called goldcoinminer when you would like to pay the"fee" in usdt.
so because goldcoin is one of those 50 coins that are available on the most profit pool ?

Altcoin Discussion / Goldcoin Academy for Bali Token
« Last post by mrgoldcoin on July 10, 2021, 08:43:46 AM »
we want to share several updates for all goldcoin holders all over the world.

Now Goldcoin Team from Bali, Indonesia, develops incredible movements by creating Goldcoin Academy, the main activity is to teach all Indonesian especially about Blockchain Technology.
after 6 months of Intensive learning, one group have successfully created Bali Token using BSC Technology.

We want to show the world event the latest technology using BSC still cannot compete with the speed of Goldcoin.

Bali Token or BSC Technology can process 300 Trx/s and Goldcoin 1120 Trx/s and it was created since 2013.

more people discuss about Goldcoin will help Goldcoin Price Increase in The Market.

As we know Indonesian understanding about blockchain less than 1%. compare with American already hear about bitcoin more than 95%.

Indonesia is the 4th largest population in The World. which is a good start for goldcoin to move very fast.

This situation is the same with Bitcoin in the USA in 2010.

we have a dedicated team working for goldcoin. love goldcoin and share about goldcoin every day.

Mining & Pools / Re: GLC ASIA Roadmap
« Last post by mrgoldcoin on July 10, 2021, 08:30:56 AM »
we want to update GLC today 10 July 2021.

1. Goldcoin Academy Set Up (Done)
2. Goldcoin Foundation set Up (Done)
3. Goldcoinminer.com set Up (Done)
4. Trading Association Set Up (Done)
5. Goldcoin Ecosystem for SE ASIA (Done)
6. Start Massive Campaign for Goldcoin (On Going)
7. Goldcoin Cooperative (Done)
8. Goldcoin Association (Done)
9. Goldcoin Update 14.7 Client (Done)
Mining & Pools / Re: GOLDCOIN WORLD TOUR
« Last post by mrgoldcoin on July 10, 2021, 08:26:47 AM »
for safety reason, we have to cancel our world tour, stay healthy GLC holders
GoldCoin Discussion / Re: [Official] - Sunday Team Meetings on Skype
« Last post by mrgoldcoin on July 10, 2021, 08:24:59 AM »
i will host tomorrow meeting 11 of july 2021.
GoldCoin Discussion / Re: [Official] - Sunday Team Meetings on Skype
« Last post by cryptosolar on July 04, 2021, 01:28:36 PM »

Goldcoin Sunday Meeting ( July 04)
The Break Room / Re: [MUSIC] What Are You Listening to at the Moment?
« Last post by cryptosolar on June 30, 2021, 03:43:11 AM »

Mumbai ^^
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