« Last post by ipaint on January 22, 2019, 10:42:58 PM »
I was just searching youtube to find out when Microguy started making videos to keep everyone up to date. He started making the videos and I noticed he didn't have an intro or anything so I wrote a legal notice/Intro. I searched youtube and I couldn't find his GLD report videos.
But here's a the voice over I made for the videos intro.
« Last post by GLCRush on January 18, 2019, 08:36:27 AM »
Here's something for new users of the Goldcoin Community to know how GLD evolved this far and who contributed to its success. It's an archive of events set in chronological order since the inception of GoldCoin.
« Last post by Blawpaw on December 18, 2018, 10:26:50 AM »
The markets have been stopped and withdrawals have been paused in Cryptopia. This happened supposedly as the network suffered a 51% attack. Can anyone comment on that, please?