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Author Topic: Official Community Resource Distribution Map  (Read 11712 times)

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Official Community Resource Distribution Map
« on: September 08, 2020, 11:32:03 AM »
Intro: The Goldcoin network is highly decentralized in everyway imaginable.  From our global network of client nodes, to the distribution of wealth, all the way down to the allocation of community resources (this list).

[Please find below a list of critical network resources and how they are distributed]

Team Resource Distribution:

Dr. Gerald Higginbotham

- GoldcoinWeb.com (website 2)
- GoldcoinTalk.org (message board 1, this forum)
- GoldcoinWallet.com (online paper wallet)
- Trygoldcoin.com (online goldcoin store)

Eric Britten

- DNS Seeder (vital to the function of mobile apps)
- Masternode 2 (vital to the 51% defense of our network)
- https://github.com/Stouse49/goldcoin-wallet (Android source code repo)
- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.schildbach.wallet.goldcoin&hl=en_US (Playstore Listing)

Danny Oyekan

- Goldcoin.org (website1)
- t.me/goldcoin (chat1)
- Masternode 3 (vital to the 51% defense of our network) **
- https://apps.apple.com/us/app/goldcoin-wallet-by-toga/id1425249500?app=itunes&ign-mpt=uo%3D4 (App Store iOS listing)
- https://www.goldcoin.org/forum/ (message board 2) **

** indicates non-functioning resource

Yahowah Sky

- Slack (developer work space)
- masternode 1 (vital to the 51% defense of our network)
- gldcoin.com (vital to the operation of all network clients)
- netseed.net (vital to the operation of all network clients)
- Bitcointalk announcement thread
- https://github.com/goldcoin/ (client source code repo)
- t.me/goldcointalk (chat 2)
- https://www.reddit.com/r/goldcoin/ (Reddit)
- https://twitter.com/goldcoin/ (Twitter)
- https://www.facebook.com/goldcoinpage (FB page)
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/goldcointalk (FB group)
- Discord server
"The heart of any cryptocurrency can be found in the spirit of its community."