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Remove HTTP:// in Wallet
« on: August 19, 2013, 01:30:08 PM »
I was using the wallet mining with CPUs. So thought I'd try the Stratum URL for Crypto Pool and it didn't work because the Wallet adds http:// to the URL.

So the Stratum URL looks like this http://stratum+tcp//gld.cryptocoinmine.com:2020

Is there anyway you can edit the wallet and remove the HTTP:// from the Server input section? If you do edit the http:// please send me a copy.

I think this would be a great help to new users that would like to try mining with their wallet. Because most pools are switching to stratum and LP/GetWork never seems to work on the pools.

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Re: Remove HTTP:// in Wallet
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2013, 02:57:09 PM »
im on 3333 longpolling cryptocoinmine.com just fine right now :)

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Re: Remove HTTP:// in Wallet
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2013, 03:00:38 PM »
In later versions of the client, the mining tab will probably be moved to a less pronounced section of the client. There has been some discussions about creating a "Tools" menu option and locating the mining option there.

I don't have a lot of experience mining from the wallet, but I think you might want to look into downloading a mining proxy like this: http://mining.bitcoin.cz/mining-proxy-howto
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Re: Remove HTTP:// in Wallet
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2013, 03:30:53 PM »
Mining with the wallet is very slow compared to the speed of cpuminer.

Try using "gld.cryptocoinmine.com:2020" only as the server.  Leave out the stratum+tcp.

if that doesn't work use:  "gld.cryptocoinmine.com:3333".  I am not sure if the client supports stratum or getwork.
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Re: Remove HTTP:// in Wallet
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2013, 03:54:31 PM »
I know mining with the wallet is slow. But I'm thinking about new users that might want to try it. Not everyone is going to run out and buy a video card etc. and start building rigs. We need to think of the "New User," give them a chance to try it and get them interested in it. Then if they want they'll go out and buy what ever they need.

I noticed every time someone ask a question everyone tells them to go out and get the best of everything. You need this, you need that, so on and so on. Then the dollars start adding up. Not everyone wants to do that nor will they and in some cases toady people can't afford to do it, it's almost like people own stock in the companies and what to tell everyone you need this and you need that. That's not how it should be done. Give they the simple way of doing it and let them work their way up.

People will want to try mining with their wallet or what ever that doesn't cost them anything. They will just want to try it, just like I'm sure most of the people here did at first. So we need to give them options to mine other than telling them to go spend a few hundred dollars on equipment.

I mean if we got say 100 new people interested in Goldcoin and they wanted to try mining you don't think everyone will run right out and spend money? Just because we say this is how you should do it.

Step 1: Try doing it this way using your Wallet. It's not the best or fastest way of doing but it'll give you and idea how it works.
If you find you'd like to mine Goldcoins faster, You'll need to purchase better equipment and this is what we recommend.

Step 2: Then have a list with Options don't just list the newest card that everyone is using list a few cards.
Card A will mine at 600 Kh/s
Card B will mine at 300 Kh/s
and so on.

Sorry about the rant. But I'm just thinking about the new person and trying to keep things simple and easy for them.
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Re: Remove HTTP:// in Wallet
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2013, 05:22:00 PM »
I'm just thinking about the new person and trying to keep things simple and easy for them.


You have brought up some good points here about new users.  Certainly the in Wallet Miner is easier to use than any other command line miner, as it has a point-and-click way of doing it.  There is no need to worry about downloading other software, unzipping it, putting it somewhere, remembering where it was put, setting up conf/.bat/shortcut files, or running them.

Later on, I will start a mining guide, which will start with mining out of the wallet and going up from there.  I will do some wallet mining to test settings, stratum, getwork, etc with the pools.  Your input will be appreciated.

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Re: Remove HTTP:// in Wallet
« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2013, 05:50:04 PM »
the wallet is how i started and how most will probably start also. one problem is you have to get the minerd in the same as qt ??? most dont really understand like us. the client should be a little more self setting. and a calulator for GLD that will help with your GLD appetite. i got friends that want to do it and i tell them gldcoin.com but they still need setup and its kind of hard to tell a noobs what and where to go for the rest of the goodies or we would have more already... i cant go set up EVERYONE i told how am i gonna get min, worrying about everyone else.

im sure this is in the fixings, but time is money!! we need miner files links on gldcoin.com or a client that has it and installs them in the place they go

wheres my GOLDCOIN APP?  im hungry

speaking of GoldCoin app the app should have a low mobile mining option with a stock mobile pool for easy easy mining and raising the network

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Re: Remove HTTP:// in Wallet
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2013, 12:30:14 AM »
Here is the new mining topic.  https://www.gldtalk.org/index.php?topic=323.0

The GoldCoin wallet currently does not allow for pool mining with minerd (cpuminer) using the stratum protocol.  It seems to be because minerd expects a stratum+tcp:// to designate the stratum protocol, which as ipaint points out, the Wallet does not currently support.
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Re: Remove HTTP:// in Wallet
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2013, 01:40:41 AM »
Well it's a start. I don't know if mining with a pool using your wallet is all that bad. I can get 44+ GLD with my CPUs on Crypto or VirCur and they add up.  Not the best way to mine, but it works and that's all you want the new person to see, How it works.  As I said a new person is going to want to try it. With all the red lettering you'll scare them away and they won't try mining at all. LOL

All you need to do is tell them how to do it, without all the red lettering :).  Then tell them about better options using video cards. Don't scare them, you want them to try it and then maybe use video cards.

You gotta look at it like something your selling. "You need to sell it"..... Sell the low end model and then get them to upgrade.

"This isn't the best way to mine and it's a very slow way of  Mining/producing Goldcoins. But it is a good way to get an idea on how mining works.  You can use your wallet or use ScryptMiner GUI. This type of mining will use you computers CUPs."

The best way to mine is using video cards or building a Mining Rig using cgMiner. This is the best way and the fastest way to mine.

Here are some cards we recommend you use.

7790 500 Kh/s
6950 300 Kh/s
and so on.

See what I mean? Sell it, be nice tell them how to do it.
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Re: Remove HTTP:// in Wallet
« Reply #9 on: August 20, 2013, 02:02:45 AM »
The red lettering is there for good reasons (regarding pool mining with the wallet).  First, the wallet (whether the current one or a future one) could be broken by putting the minerd program in the Program Files folder (due to replacing a key file with a newer version).  Secondly, it is bad practice to add or delete files from the program files folders according to Windows guidelines.  In Windows versions above Vista, only a user with administrator rights can add files to those folders.  The development team will look into updating this feature in future clients (including allowing for stratum, specifying a mining program in a different location).  The intention is to scare people away from using this approach, as I currently do not recommend it.

If you are using this feature, you can provide feedback as to how it is working for you: problems, benefits, etc.

Your other suggestions regarding upgrading will be included at a later time.  Thanks for your suggestions.

Also, 44 kH/s with a CPU is very good. 
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Re: Remove HTTP:// in Wallet
« Reply #10 on: August 20, 2013, 02:10:27 AM »
If people want to try using their CPUs I would tell them to try ScryptMiner GUI it's for LTC. I use it, you just need to play with the Scantime and Threads I set mine at 8 Threads and the Scantime is 99. Here's link to it https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=62414.0

I know it's not the fastest way but they add up over time and it would be a good way for someone to try mining.

Added: I have used my wallet for mining with CUPs and I never had any trouble with it. I try every way I can just to see how it works. If it makes Gold I'll try it :) I don't care if it's fast or slow. If it makes Gold I'll use it, Because the goal is make as much Gold as you can. Fast, Slow, Buy it, or Trade it as long as it makes you more Gold.

I have an older PC that my wife uses. I put ScryptMiner on it and it only gets 3 or 4 Kh/s but I let it mine all the time when the PC is on. Is it a waste of time? I don't think so, the PC is on anyway so why not let it get me a couple of coins while the wife uses it.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2013, 02:25:58 AM by ipaint »
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