Well it's a start. I don't know if mining with a pool using your wallet is all that bad. I can get 44+ GLD with my CPUs on Crypto or VirCur and they add up. Not the best way to mine, but it works and that's all you want the new person to see, How it works. As I said a new person is going to want to try it. With all the red lettering you'll scare them away and they won't try mining at all. LOL
All you need to do is tell them how to do it, without all the red lettering

. Then tell them about better options using video cards. Don't scare them, you want them to try it and then maybe use video cards.
You gotta look at it like something your selling. "You need to sell it"..... Sell the low end model and then get them to upgrade.
"This isn't the best way to mine and it's a very slow way of Mining/producing Goldcoins. But it is a good way to get an idea on how mining works. You can use your wallet or use ScryptMiner GUI. This type of mining will use you computers CUPs."
The best way to mine is using video cards or building a Mining Rig using cgMiner. This is the best way and the fastest way to mine.
Here are some cards we recommend you use.
7790 500 Kh/s
6950 300 Kh/s
and so on.
See what I mean? Sell it, be nice tell them how to do it.