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Important Bulletins / Goldcoin Core v0.14.4 has been Released!
« on: October 11, 2018, 10:16:06 AM »
Goldcoin Core v0.14.4 has been released which includes a very important security fix for a DoS vulnerability!

If you are running an older version, shut it down. Wait until it has completely shut down (which might take a few minutes for older versions), then run the installer (on Windows).

Download links: https://www.goldcoin.org/downloads.html

All users are advised to upgrade as soon as possible. Submit any issues you encounter here and one of the Goldcoin developers will assist you.

GoldCoin Discussion / [NEWS] October 2018 Monthly Bulletin
« on: October 06, 2018, 07:53:16 PM »
This is the GoldCoin Bulletin for October 2018 !

There's a tremendous amount of progress being made these days on the Goldcoin Project. It's up to each individual to contribute to the project by building on the platform and making it a success. Those working and building are the ones setting the example!

The following is a distillation of the various ongoing efforts occurring throughout our decentralized community:

1.  Monthly Newsletter

Beginning this month, the Goldcoin Team will be creating a monthly news bulletin and posting it here. Be sure to register for this forum, if you would like to stay in the loop and be notified via email on the publication date.

2.  Client Patch

Eric has patched the client to fix a vulnerability discovered in Bitcoin Core that could make it possible for an attacker to DDoS a client node and force it to disconnect from the network.


We are currently in the process of testing this patch and anticipate releasing it to the community early next week.

3.  Litecoin Mining Pool

The Goldcoin Core developers are now working to add AuxPoW to the Goldcoin client. This will allow any Scrypt based mining pool to add Goldcoin. Our new ACP code is designed to be compatible with this new code by entering a state of hibernation once we reach 1 TH/s.


In order to ensure we have immediate access to a Litecoin pool, we are working with a pool developer to create a Litecoin pool at Litemine.org

4.  Goldcoin Global Meetup

IBN Adams along with GoldCoinAfricaLab are kicking off a global initiate to spread Goldcoin awareness and adoption throughout the world.  The first meetup will be held in Ghana, Africa, on October 7th and then next week the second meetup will be held at the University of Lagon, then it's off to Venezuela!

More info: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IV7LUPlHHgdv9ND3UUrg8P5Nf4igvqs1VmhSAs8QtyM/edit?usp=sharing

5.  Distributed Volume

Over the past month, Goldcoin has been added to several new exchanges. The Goldcoin Team encourages everyone to support these new exchanges that support us. Not only do we need our markets to be decentralized, we need them to be distributed.

You can find the complete list of exchanges here: https://www.goldcoin.org/

6.  Community First

The community is the heart and soul of the project. For the remainder of the year, we'll be promoting the new #communityfirst campaign across all of our various social platforms.

7.  Forum Logo

The header on this forum has been updated with the new Goldcoin logo. Wow, that looks good!

8.  Foundation Request Form

The Goldcoin Foundation has developed a new request form for those in need of project funding. If you are working on a project that requires additional funding, you can use the following form to make a request: https://goo.gl/forms/tSxyZP4GAzViuHiA2

If you would like to make a Bitcoin or Goldcoin donation to the foundation, the website is here: http://www.goldcoin.foundation/


If you would like to be alerted via email to these monthly bulletins, be sure to signup for this forum.

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