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Author Topic: Transmission 45 – Bitcoin XT and the Block Size Debate  (Read 3111 times)

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Transmission 45 – Bitcoin XT and the Block Size Debate
« on: August 25, 2015, 07:00:15 PM »

This week on Transmission, Theo and his guests cover the block size debate. The discussion around the block size limit and a possible fork of bitcoin via bitcoin XT has caused a lot of heated discussion recently.

What Will Happen?

There is a lot of fear and uncertainty in regards to what might happen on January 2016, which is the projected deadline for the decision to fork or not fork.

“It is a rough estimate, and it does depend on the block times and how quick they are propagating right now. But essentially around Jan 26th, if we have a 75% consensus, then we are going to go through with a hard fork of the bitcoin blockchain, and after a two week grace period, the block size limit will increase to 8 MB. Once pools and exchanges switch over, then the old software will not be able to process those transactions, ultimately creating 2 chains.”

Transmission is a weekly podcast featuring bitcoin, altcoins, and blockchain technology broadcasting live every Sunday at 3PM EST. The Spice Must Flow. What do you think of bitcoin XT? Is there more to the discussion than simply the block size limit?

Full Story: http://altcoinpress.com/2015/08/transmission-45-bitcoin-xt-and-the-block-size-debate/
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