My current plans for
1.Before restarting mining operations or withdrawals, I need to wait until a super majority of people have the newest client and are on the current chain. If I reopen too soon I will inevitably start to receive mountains of hate mail and posts claiming I(The pool) are ripping them off, when in reality their client needs to updated or find the correct chain.
2. I want to implement the Front-end upgrade! The developers of php-mpos have done a spectacular job with the latest version.However there is a slight incompatibility with the database version in use on the pool now and the newest version. I can move all the site-accounts and pool workers over just fine, the issue is with the accounting. As of now there are a little over 200 accounts that have a balances on them. I could move the balances over manually, the better idea is to mass pay all the balances in the old database that have a payout address (Simply change everybody's' auto-payout threshold to 1). This of course is tied into the issue in item#1.
I also want to start out with a fresh wallet and clean stats as the stats in the new version are so much better.
SO that is where it sits now, I will update as we get closer to the point I will feel comfortable sending withdrawals out.