hello to all the respective members of goldcoin forum
i could realy need some help on this i started to mine using my amd hd 5450 using claymore on minergate pool
but the error give me this
18:17:02:320 21d0
18:17:02:323 21d0 ةحححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححح»
18:17:02:326 21d0 ؛ Claymore CryptoNote GPU Miner v9.6 Beta ؛
18:17:02:329 21d0 بحححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححح¼
18:17:02:546 21d0 Wrong wallet address
[email protected] - XMR/QCN/BCN/FCN/Aeon/Duck/Dash/OEC/MCN/ORION addresses are supported only.
18:17:02:549 21d0 Pool mine.moneropool.com removed from the list
18:17:02:552 21d0 Wrong wallet address
[email protected] - XMR/QCN/BCN/FCN/Aeon/Duck/Dash/OEC/MCN/ORION addresses are supported only.
18:17:02:555 21d0 Pool monero.crypto-pool.fr removed from the list
18:17:02:704 21d0
Cards available: 0
18:17:02:707 21d0 No cards in the list!
some help please iam win 8.1 os and thank you