October 14, 2024, 04:53:26 PM

Author Topic: New to mining wondering if anyone can tell by the log if its working  (Read 5236 times)

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Offline joeman38

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getblocks 693922 to 5516909e77fc63460936 limit 500
  getblocks stopping at 694020 5516909e77fc63460936
getblocks 693923 to 5516909e77fc63460936 limit 500
  getblocks stopping at 694020 5516909e77fc63460936
getblocks 693924 to 5516909e77fc63460936 limit 500
  getblocks stopping at 694020 5516909e77fc63460936
getblocks 693925 to 5516909e77fc63460936 limit 500
  getblocks stopping at 694020 5516909e77fc63460936
getblocks 693926 to 5516909e77fc63460936 limit 500
  getblocks stopping at 694020 5516909e77fc63460936
getblocks 693927 to 5516909e77fc63460936 limit 500
  getblocks stopping at 694020 5516909e77fc63460936
getblocks 693928 to 99502ec6ec6c25acc67f limit 500
  getblocks stopping at limit 694427 22a348921d617a381104
getblocks 694428 to 00000000000000000000 limit 500
  getblocks stopping at limit 694927 a18de9fb87d3f0141051
Flushed 12945 addresses to peers.dat  95ms
getblocks 694928 to 00000000000000000000 limit 500
  getblocks stopping at limit 695427 bfdeb0c062958e930248
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
getblocks 695428 to 00000000000000000000 limit 500
  getblocks stopping at limit 695927 e4611b516dd7909318d4
received getdata (255 invsz)
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
getblocks 695660 to 1411c982d46cdad09999 limit 500
  getblocks stopping at 695673 1411c982d46cdad09999
received block 0722db5c3e1af129ab2a
ProcessBlock() : Time between last 5 blocks is: 600  Median Time between blocks is: 99
 GetNextWorkRequired(): May Fork mode
 GetNextWorkRequired(): Average time between blocks over the last 120 blocks is: 130
GetNextWorkRequired RETARGET
nTargetTimespan = 7200    nActualTimespan = 7020
Before: 1b590a46  0000000000590a46000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
After:  1b584d81  0000000000584d81000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
connection timeout
SetBestChain: new best=0722db5c3e1af129ab2a  height=757145  work=179199392290272707  date=01/05/18 17:55:40
SetBestChain: 4 of last 100 blocks above version 1
ProcessBlock: ACCEPTED
getblocks 695661 to 1411c982d46cdad09999 limit 500
  getblocks stopping at 695673 1411c982d46cdad09999
Flushing wallet.dat
getblocks 695668 to 1411c982d46cdad09999 limit 500
  getblocks stopping at 695673 1411c982d46cdad09999
getblocks 695669 to 1411c982d46cdad09999 limit 500
  getblocks stopping at 695673 1411c982d46cdad09999
Flushed wallet.dat 210ms
getblocks 696404 to 99502ec6ec6c25acc67f limit 500
  getblocks stopping at limit 696903 3bcaa6f6d30a609bfb30
getblocks 696837 to 99502ec6ec6c25acc67f limit 500
  getblocks stopping at limit 697336 33be79e39589c0f5c410
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
connection timeout
Flushed 12945 addresses to peers.dat  222ms
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
connection timeout
CTxMemPool::accept() : accepted 749bf4c2422fa396edc6e377ba5403509cfe5975bae631023a61a1bc504838fb (poolsz 2)
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
CTxMemPool::accept() : accepted abb1e704d22215cf5c82021a88e357d3166002209b1b43400d14652638c58c95 (poolsz 3)
connection timeout
received block 4498ffc523257b6a6aa1
ProcessBlock() : Time between last 5 blocks is: 600  Median Time between blocks is: 99
 GetNextWorkRequired(): May Fork mode
 GetNextWorkRequired(): Average time between blocks over the last 120 blocks is: 130
GetNextWorkRequired RETARGET
nTargetTimespan = 7200    nActualTimespan = 7020
Before: 1b584d81  0000000000584d81000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
After:  1b579121  0000000000579121000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Flushed 12945 addresses to peers.dat  183ms
accepted connection
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
socket closed
disconnecting node
connection timeout
SetBestChain: new best=4498ffc523257b6a6aa1  height=757146  work=179202606689152210  date=01/05/18 17:57:34
SetBestChain: 4 of last 100 blocks above version 1
ProcessBlock: ACCEPTED
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
connection timeout
socket closed
disconnecting node
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
Flushed 12945 addresses to peers.dat  440ms
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
Flushed 12945 addresses to peers.dat  405ms
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
Flushing wallet.dat
Flushed wallet.dat 181ms
getblocks -1 to 00000000000000000000 limit 500
received block fff7bf7f88cd8bc10f97
connection timeout
ProcessBlock() : Time between last 5 blocks is: 600  Median Time between blocks is: 99
 GetNextWorkRequired(): May Fork mode
 GetNextWorkRequired(): Average time between blocks over the last 120 blocks is: 130
GetNextWorkRequired RETARGET
nTargetTimespan = 7200    nActualTimespan = 7020
Before: 1b579121  0000000000579121000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
After:  1b56d652  000000000056d652000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
connection timeout
SetBestChain: new best=fff7bf7f88cd8bc10f97  height=757147  work=179205848099668342  date=01/05/18 18:01:28
SetBestChain: 4 of last 100 blocks above version 1
ProcessBlock: ACCEPTED
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
connection timeout
getblocks 705025 to 99502ec6ec6c25acc67f limit 500
  getblocks stopping at limit 705524 7e4d16f33d9379f14ae1
getblocks 757147 to 00000000000000000000 limit 500
CTxMemPool::accept() : accepted f05493db0833636d2a8c05e93d68a710754a7ff075434e3d3836923eeec7a6d5 (poolsz 1)
received block 479e5e989042c3476547
ProcessBlock() : Time between last 5 blocks is: 600  Median Time between blocks is: 99
 GetNextWorkRequired(): May Fork mode
 GetNextWorkRequired(): Average time between blocks over the last 120 blocks is: 131
GetNextWorkRequired RETARGET
nTargetTimespan = 7200    nActualTimespan = 7020
Before: 1b56d652  000000000056d652000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
After:  1b561d11  0000000000561d11000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Flushing wallet.dat
Flushed wallet.dat 138ms
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
connection timeout
SetBestChain: new best=479e5e989042c3476547  height=757148  work=179209116749111715  date=01/05/18 18:03:17
SetBestChain: 4 of last 100 blocks above version 1
ProcessBlock: ACCEPTED
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
connection timeout
received block 9cf1272a945da08e2cff
Flushing wallet.dat
Flushed wallet.dat 163ms
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
ProcessBlock() : Time between last 5 blocks is: 600Flushed 12945 addresses to peers.dat  193ms
  Median Time between blocks is: 99
 GetNextWorkRequired(): May Fork mode
 GetNextWorkRequired(): Average time between blocks over the last 120 blocks is: 131
GetNextWorkRequired RETARGET
nTargetTimespan = 7200    nActualTimespan = 7020
Before: 1b561d11  0000000000561d11000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
After:  1b55655b  000000000055655b000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
SetBestChain: new best=9cf1272a945da08e2cff  height=757149  work=179212412866506673  date=01/05/18 18:03:47
SetBestChain: 3 of last 100 blocks above version 1
ProcessBlock: ACCEPTED
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
connection timeout
getblocks 707674 to 99502ec6ec6c25acc67f limit 500
  getblocks stopping at limit 708173 ad9883ea0ae2bde4ab8a
getblocks 705525 to 00000000000000000000 limit 500
  getblocks stopping at limit 706024 e176f60d96642891040a
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
connection timeout
Added 1 addresses from 252 tried, 12693 new
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
Flushed 12945 addresses to peers.dat  154ms
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
Flushing wallet.dat
Flushed wallet.dat 304ms
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
Flushed 12945 addresses to peers.dat  284ms
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
connection timeout
getblocks 709104 to 99502ec6ec6c25acc67f limit 500
  getblocks stopping at limit 709603 62f5072d9df1d79a43be
getblocks 706023 to 00000000000000000000 limit 500
  getblocks stopping at limit 706522 e1193200d3676af6c696
getblocks 706025 to 00000000000000000000 limit 500
  getblocks stopping at limit 706524 9ca93abf05ee905f3a16
CTxMemPool::accept() : accepted 66bbec89fd74cb384f8fce1ebb7c7cc4d30ab78f7a899774e74ad25ddbba9276 (poolsz 1)
received block f8ba40e76a897dffe893
ProcessBlock() : Time between last 5 blocks is: 600  Median Time between blocks is: 99
 GetNextWorkRequired(): May Fork mode
 GetNextWorkRequired(): Average time between blocks over the last 120 blocks is: 130
GetNextWorkRequired RETARGET
nTargetTimespan = 7200    nActualTimespan = 7020
Before: 1b55655b  000000000055655b000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
After:  1b54af2d  000000000054af2d000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
SetBestChain: new best=f8ba40e76a897dffe893  height=757150  work=179215736682631649  date=01/05/18 18:05:40
SetBestChain: 3 of last 100 blocks above version 1
ProcessBlock: ACCEPTED
trying connection lastseen=0.0hrs
received block 368f75cc74497bf350b2
ProcessBlock() : Time between last 5 blocks is: 600  Median Time between blocks is: 105
 GetNextWorkRequired(): May Fork mode
 GetNextWorkRequired(): Average time between blocks over the last 120 blocks is: 130
GetNextWorkRequired RETARGET
nTargetTimespan = 7200    nActualTimespan = 7020
Before: 1b54af2d  000000000054af2d000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
After:  1b53fa85  000000000053fa85000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
SetBestChain: new best=368f75cc74497bf350b2  height=757151  work=179219088429431384  date=01/05/18 18:07:34
SetBestChain: 3 of last 100 blocks above version 1
ProcessBlock: ACCEPTED
Flushing wallet.dat
Flushed wallet.dat 162ms
connection timeout

Offline Stouse49

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Re: New to mining wondering if anyone can tell by the log if its working
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2018, 11:14:37 AM »
Nothing appears to be wrong in your debug.log.  It looks like your node is connecting and downloading blocks.

How is your mining setup?

If you actually mine blocks you will see things like this:

Code: [Select]
CreateNewBlock(): total size 1000
Flushing wallet.dat
Flushed wallet.dat 101ms
proof-of-work found 
  hash: 000006fd4bb5564dc4c50486c49a17e2fe0ca48bf87076f832c1d60d026f77db 
target: 00000fffff000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
CBlock(hash=1c97479c43e8435cd7d9, PoW=000006fd4bb5564dc4c5, ver=1, hashPrevBlock=63ee26429068a53a39ab, hashMerkleRoot=b7704b3163, nTime=1514879863, nBits=1e0fffff, nNonce=281018368, vtx=1)
  CTransaction(hash=b7704b3163, ver=1, vin.size=1, vout.size=1, nLockTime=0)
    CTxIn(COutPoint(0000000000, -1), coinbase 04773b4b5a0101062f503253482f)
    CTxOut(nValue=10000.00000000, scriptPubKey=0368d568ccf557c37da15707c13f88)
  vMerkleTree: b7704b3163
generated 10000.00
keypool keep 3
AddToWallet b7704b3163  new
NotifyTransactionChanged b7704b3163a82e8070504de919cec88cf05df23642e7f9fa76f69668b41cf3e7 status=0
updateWallet b7704b3163a82e8070504de919cec88cf05df23642e7f9fa76f69668b41cf3e7 0
SetBestChain: new best=1c97479c43e8435cd7d9  height=1  work=2097169  date=01/02/2018 07:57:43
ProcessBlock: ACCEPTED
   inWallet=1 inModel=0 Index=0-0 showTransaction=0 derivedStatus=0
keypool added key 104, size=101
keypool reserve 4

Code: [Select]
proof-of-work found 
  hash: 00000471ccf65cb3da55115040fbb62d75cb630832956beb48d854fb05de927c 
target: 000007d798000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
CBlock(hash=6fb412e64413e4d82028, PoW=00000471ccf65cb3da55, ver=1, hashPrevBlock=48b0f33bc7ef7833b41f, hashMerkleRoot=0f10785710, nTime=1515230274, nBits=1e07d798, nNonce=443744384, vtx=1)
  CTransaction(hash=0f10785710, ver=1, vin.size=1, vout.size=1, nLockTime=0)
    CTxIn(COutPoint(0000000000, -1), coinbase 044294505a0104062f503253482f)
    CTxOut(nValue=1000.00000000, scriptPubKey=03486979745564f5e0f826c2f3b083)
  vMerkleTree: 0f10785710
generated 1000.00
keypool keep 473
Local has found possible valid block... queueing until timestamp is valid
Flushing wallet.dat
GLD: E1A6WogjpqU3KjjoRUD63f7kofrFozmyfg

Offline joeman38

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Re: New to mining wondering if anyone can tell by the log if its working
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2018, 02:16:30 AM »
thanks for your help, im using guiminer but its log dosnt say much:
2018-01-10 07:01:44: Running command: poclbm.exe joeman38:[email protected]:8122 --device=0 --platform=0 --verbose -r1
2018-01-10 07:01:44: Listener for "joe" started
2018-01-10 07:01:44: Listener for "joe": WARNING: ADL missing (no AMD platform?), temperature control is disabled
2018-01-10 07:01:44: Listener for "joe": 10/01/2018 07:01:44, started OpenCL miner on platform 0, device 0 (Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU  N3530  @ 2.16GHz)
2018-01-10 07:01:44: Listener for "joe": 10/01/2018 07:01:44, checking for stratum...
2018-01-10 07:01:44: Listener for "joe": 10/01/2018 07:01:44, using JSON-RPC (no stratum header)
and another on a networked computer that says the same minus the amd message, i dont know why but out of all the miners i tried they gave me the fastest rates 1to mhs on one and 3mhs on the oth other and they are getting some hashses so guessing there working.