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Topics - CryptoFreedom4Me

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DEA Agent Ordered to Forfeit $500,000 in Funds He Stole During Silk Road Case
Carl Force IV, a 46-year-old member of Baltimore’s Silk Road task force and former U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration agent, has been ordered to forfeit around US$500,000 in cash and bitcoin that he “confiscated” while investigating the Silk Road case.

Bitcoin Transactions Surge to Record Highs amid Greece Crisis
The number of Bitcoin transactions surged to a new record high Tuesday, dwarfing previous peak activity including that seen during the Mt. Gox implosion in December 2013.
A new record

A high of 442 transactions per second was recorded for July 7 - approximately two times the average rate of the PayPal network at ~289 tps.

A sudden surge over the two days from July 5 saw the number of daily transactions more than quadruple to reach a maximum 202,000 before starting to fall. A previous, less intense surge had begun June 30; something commonly attributed to news of Greece’s potential insolvency and renewed capital controls.

Citi Develops 3 Blockchains with Own 'Citicoin' Token
Banking giant Citigroup, has developed 3 blockchains and a test cryptocurrency dubbed 'Citicoin' to run across them. The bank wants to make sure it is "at the leading edge of [distributed ledger technology]" so it can "exploit the opportunities within it."

According to Ken Moore, head of Citi Innovation Labs, Citi has been looking at blockchain technology for "the last few years" and has developed "an equivalent to bitcoin" within its labs while mining what it calls "Citicoin."

‘300% Increase in Bitcoin Buys’ Across EU as Greece Falls into Arrears
Greece has become the first developed country to fall into arrears with the IMF as it missed its 1.6 billion euro payment due Tuesday night. At the same time, several bitcoin companies have been reporting of a massive spike in bitcoin buying and overall interest from all over the Euro zone. 

Approved: Bitcoin Debit Cards Heat Up as Market Matures
Once a mere novelty, Bitcoin debit cards are getting smarter and their providers are stepping up to ensure their products have a tangible competitive advantage.

Like many sectors of the Bitcoin industry, the consumer payment product market is both growing and innovating at breakneck speed.
In a little under three years, Bitcoin spending at consumer level has gone from an online-only niche to offering a full range of financial products, with apps and fiat-tied options, such as gift vouchers, flooding the market.

Digital Currency News / Coinsecure Is Now Connecting India to Bitcoin
« on: June 21, 2015, 07:51:08 AM »
Coinsecure Is Now Connecting India to Bitcoin
In a recent report, it was predicted that the Bitcoin community will hit 5 million by 2019 and the world population will reach an estimated 7.5 billion by the same time. This translates to less than 1 percent of world population who will know about Bitcoin and its benefits, unless people are made aware of Bitcoin and its wonders.

Canadian Senate Rules in Favor of ‘An Almost Hands-Off Approach’ to Bitcoin
The Canadian Senate has decided to protect Bitcoin from massive government regulation opting to approach the new technology with “a light regulatory touch – almost a hands-off approach.”

After many months of thoughtful deliberations, the legislative body released the official Canadian Senate report titled “Digital Currency: You Can’t Flip This Coin! Report of the Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce.”

Overstock to Issue "Digital Corporate Bond" on Bitcoin Blockchain
E-retail giant Overstock has announced it will utilize colored coins to issue what it calls a "digital corporate bond", or a cryptocurrency-based security, based on the bitcoin blockchain.

Switzerland To Open Bitcoin Bank As Crypto "Fort Knox" Relocates To Zurich
With every DM central bank hell-bent on ensuring that the currencies which roll off their printing presses will become ever more worthless with each passing iteration of the global debt monetization ponzi scheme, and with calls growing louder to ban hard currency altogether in an effort to remove the effective lower bound and thus make it possible for bureaucrats to centrally plan every aspect of the economy right down to the micromanagement of people’s spending habits, we suppose now is as good a time as any to make the switch to a medium of exchange not controlled by the Keynesian cabal and where better to go "crypto" than Switzerland which, according to Handelszeitung, is set to open its first Bitcoin bank.

MasterCard Announces Centralized ‘P2P’ Payments
MasterCard has announced a “P2P” debit card-based remittance system which it says customers will find “more appealing” than the Bitcoin protocol.

MasterCard Send, currently in a pre-signup phase in the US only, is designed to allow transactions between “banked and unbanked consumers,” international and domestic payments at a near-instant speed rather than the several days required with the traditional bank clearing system.

Speaking to PYMNTS, Barb King, a group head in the MasterCard Payment Systems Integrity Group, called the new tool “a breakthrough platform in the industry.”

Honduran Gov't to Build Land Registry Initiative on Bitcoin Blockchain
The government of Honduras will partner with Houston-based Bitcoin 2.0 startups Factom and Epigraph to build a land registry database for the Central American nation using the Bitcoin blockchain, according to Reuters on Yahoo News.

Ribbit.Me Launches “First-Ever” P2P Marketplace for Cryptocurrency Users
Blockchain based reward program Ribbit.Me recently initiated the launch of Marketplace.life, reportedly the first-ever peer-to-peer marketplace that features a cash back reward system.

Ribbit.Me logo

As per the available details, the new Ribbit.Me platform will further allow users to transact in all kind of fiat and digital currencies, including Bitcoin. The cash rewards — RibbitRewards — meanwhile will be allocated to users upon successful transactions. These reward points, just like those given by credit cards, can be used later in future transactions. A small percentage of RibbitRewards will also be donated to support the Marketplace.life network; so as to excuse sellers from shedding hefty commissions to run the marketplace.

Digital Currency News / China Calls For One World Global Currency
« on: May 12, 2015, 06:32:17 AM »
China Calls For One World Global Currency
China is calling for a global currency to replace the dominant dollar, showing a growing assertiveness on revamping the world economy ahead of next week’s London summit on the financial crisis.

ItBit Nets $25 Million, Launches NYDFS-Approved Bitcoin Exchange
New York bitcoin exchange itBit has closed $25m in Series A fundraising.

The round drew support from a pool of new and existing sources including RRE Ventures, Liberty City Ventures and investor Jay W Jordan II. Raptor Capital Management chairman James Pallotta also participated in the round.

ItBit further confirmed the addition of three new members to its board of directors: former Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation chairperson Sheila Bair; former New Jersey Senator Bill Bradley; and former Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) chairman Robert Herz.

Economics / Russia and China have had enough of western banking
« on: May 05, 2015, 06:01:15 PM »
Russia and China have had enough of western banking
Russia and China are once again saying, "Take that, America."

President Vladimir Putin approved a new $100 billion reserve fund over the weekend that will specifically aid the BRICS nations: Brazil, Russia, India China and South Africa.

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