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Topics - CryptoFreedom4Me

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Economics / Bitcoin: The End of Money As We Know It (Trailer)
« on: May 03, 2015, 08:37:21 AM »
Bitcoin: The End of Money As We Know It (Trailer)
When the corrupt legacy banks eliminate cash, whose side will you be on?

It’s Happening: Goldman Sachs Just Dropped $50 Million Into a Bitcoin
It was only last year that Goldman Sachs was telling investors that Bitcoin wasn’t a safe store of value. Looks like they’ve come around.

A bitcoin startup called Circle says that, as of yesterday, they’ve taken a $50 million in funding in an investment co-led by Goldman Sachs and a Chinese venture firm called IDG Capital Partners. Circle is a company that uses the blockchain—the technology that all bitcoin transactions rest on—to move money quickly with no lumbering transaction fees.


Banned: Chase Bank Says You Can No Longer Store Cash or Precious Metals In Your Safe Deposit Box
Last week we reported that a Citigroup economist said that we need to abolish currency like the U.S. dollar, or at the very least, tax those who possess it.

The whole idea made no sense, unless of course you are a big government stooge whose end-game is complete control over peoples’ assets and a desire to track the purchasing activities of consumers.

Now, a new report from Paul Joseph Watson at Infowars.com suggests that this may well be the goal. It turns out that it’s not just Citigroup who wants cash to be banned.

US Police Officer Charged with Receiving Stolen Bitcoin Miners
A New Jersey police officer has been arrested and charged with receiving stolen property after allegedly selling stolen bitcoin mining equipment.

Paypal Wants Brain Chips to Replace Passwords
Paypal's 'Global Head of Developer Evangelism' Jonathan LeBlanc is pushing implantable brain chips as a replacement for passwords, but insists that such technology must be made to fit inside "cultural norms" before it is accepted by the general public.

Digital Currency News / Bitcoin is 100 times More Powerful than Google
« on: April 20, 2015, 09:48:43 AM »
Bitcoin is 100 times More Powerful than Google
Allow me to introduce you to someone who has the potential to be very important in the future of Bitcoin. His name is Balaji Srinivasan, and he is the chairman and co-founder of 21 Inc. What is 21 Inc? 21 Inc. is the Bitcoin startup that secured the most venture capital of any Bitcoin company in history, at $116 million. What do they need $116 million in venture capital for? They are investing in “future proprietary products designed to drive mainstream adoption of Bitcoin.” With that in mind, the research of 21 Inc. has highlighted some interesting Bitcoin factoids. One Srinivasan released at the second annual Bitcoin Job Fair held last weekend in Sunnyvale, California regarding how big Bitcoin has become in the computing world.
Google is big, but Bitcoin is bigger. How big is it?

Digital Currency News / Bitcoin is exempt from VAT in Spain
« on: April 20, 2015, 09:42:59 AM »

Digital Currency News / Liberland Chooses Bitcoin as National Currency
« on: April 20, 2015, 08:27:15 AM »
Liberland Chooses Bitcoin as National Currency
Liberland is the newest European country. Liberland came into existence due to a border dispute between Croatia and Serbia. This area along the west bank of the Danube river is not claimed by Croatia, Serbia or any other country. It was therefore terra nullius, a no man’s land, until Vít Jedlička seized the opportunity and on 13 April 2015 formed a new state in this territory. Vit Jedlicka, settled the country on this territory and has established Bitcoin as the national currency.

Bitcoin use switching from investment commodity to everyday currency, new data reveals
Bitcoin has significantly shifted away from being a commodity traded by investors and towards being used as an actual currency used to pay for goods and services, according to new industry data.

Leading bitcoin payments processor BitPay has shared its latest research exclusively with IBTimes UK, revealing that the total number of bitcoin transactions more than doubled last year as a result of this shift.

At the same time, the average order value has dropped by almost half, signifying that as merchant and consumer adoption increases, bitcoin is moving from an investment commodity to a payment method.

Digital Currency News / PayPal Merchants Can Now Accept Bitcoin
« on: April 11, 2015, 06:01:45 PM »
PayPal Merchants Can Now Accept Bitcoin
In a long SEC filing from today, PayPal states that its merchants can now begin accepting Bitcoin. As the original text to the filing reads:

    A merchant can typically open a standard PayPal account and begin accepting payments through PayPal within a few minutes. Most online or mobile merchants can onboard quickly and are not required to invest in new or specialized hardware. Our Payments Platform supports growth with a variety of value-added services designed to help businesses of all sizes manage their cash flow, invoice clients, pay bills, and reduce the need for merchants to receive and store sensitive customer financial information. For our standard service, we do not charge merchants setup or recurring fees. A merchant can also integrate with Braintree to begin accepting payments with credit or debit cards, PayPal, Venmo, digital currencies such as Bitcoin, or other payment solutions with a single integration.

China’s ‘New Silk Road’ to Spur Infrastructure Investments
 China is on the move again. The country’s economy may have slowed, but that doesn’t mean Beijing is sitting still about it. Instead, China is pushing ahead with a project that President Xi Jinping first revealed while visiting Kazakhstan last year.
The “New Silk Road” is the target of a $40 billion fund aimed at financing the construction of infrastructure that will link China with three continents over land and sea, with railroads, pipelines and roadways reviving trade both overland and along shipping routes in an echo of the original Silk Road.

Rand Paul is first presidential candidate to accept donations in Bitcoin
 It marks the first time that a candidate for president has accepted purely digital campaign funds.

The Libertarian Republican is an obvious choice to test the waters. Bitcoins are an independent currency that's totally outside the realm of U.S. dollars. It's like Euros or Yen -- except bitcoins are created and distributed privately by a community of tech enthusiasts.

Bitcoin fits in with Paul's views that government should take a more "hands off" approach to controlling the nation's money supply, which drives up inflation and devalues the currency. He's also likely trying to draw the attention of young, tech-savvy voters.

OneBit App to Enable Bitcoin Wherever MasterCard PayPass is Accepted
Self-described serial entrepreneur Toby Hoenisch has been making the rounds this morning, promoting his new start-up, OneBit, which proclaims a radically new paradigm for Bitcoin: the ability to spend it anywhere MasterCard’s PayPass terminals are located.

Iceland To Take Power To Create Money Away From Rothschild Cartel
Who knew that the revolution would start with those radical Icelanders? It does, though. One Frosti Sigurjonsson, a lawmaker from the ruling Progress Party, issued a report today that suggests taking the power to create money away from commercial banks, and hand it to the central bank and, ultimately, Parliament.

Can’t see commercial banks in the western world be too happy with this. They must be contemplating wiping the island nation off the map. If accepted in the Iceland parliament , the plan would change the game in a very radical way. It would be successful too, because there is no bigger scourge on our economies than commercial banks creating money and then securitizing and selling off the loans they just created the money (credit) with.

Everyone, with the possible exception of Paul Krugman, understands why this is a very sound idea. Agence France Presse reports:

30 Ways Bitcoin Changes The Future of Money Forever
Money may be digital all over the Western world, but it now has some real competition, and competition always helps the consumer. Bitcoin is not going to become the primary global currency, but it will force the rest of the world to catch up to what Bitcoin can do for every person who uses it. Bitcoin provides many unique features that the world is just starting to get a taste of, and will soon come to expect in all other currencies. Here’s a list of just 30 ways Bitcoin innovations are changing the way people will see, and use, money from now on.

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