Note: *****SryptMiner GUI will NOT work on a Pool that has Stratum*****
If your new to mining Goldcoin I would recommend trying this first. This is how a lot of us mining Goldcoin got started. If you decide you want to mine and upgrade using your video card. There are post on how to set up you video card for mining.
This is not the fastest way you can mine Goldcoin but it will give you and idea on how it works. And yes I still ScryptMiner GUI, why not it still gets me Goldcoins. After all when your mining you want all the Kh/s you can get. This adds to my Kh/s even though it isn't a lot, they add up after awhile so I still run ScryptMiner GUI on my PC(s).
First you need to download ScryptMiner GUI here After you download it install it, of course

Before you join a Pool you can test it using my test account at Currently you want to use or The reason you want to use one of these pools is you don't need Stratum, you can use GetWork or LP as it's called that is used when mining with ScryptMiner GUI.
First you need to select the number of Threads. I can use 8 Threads in the photo below. On another PC I only have it set at 4 Threads. To be safe at first try 4 Threads. If you don't notice any problems with you screen or PC seeming slow. It shouldn't cause damage to your PC, it's just using all of the computers CPUs so it's slowing it down. If you don't notice your PC slowing down etc. try adding a couple more Threads eight ( 8 ) is the maximum.
Threads: Try 4 at first
Scantime: My Scantime is set at 99
Username: ipaint.test
Password: test
Port: 3333
Next Click Start
*Note: It will not work with mining pools that use stratum only. I just checked the mining pools posted on the forum and as of 12/01/2013 it will work on