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Topics - vamsibannu

Pages: [1]
Mining & Pools / How to reduce Hardware Errors
« on: December 11, 2013, 04:22:14 AM »
Hello Miners,

I recently built a rig with 3 sapphire vapor-x HD 7950 graphics cards on windows 8 pro OS and i am using air cooling with 8 cooling fans and i am able to recieve about 1.4 MH/s all run together at I = 15

My CGMiner configuration file is as below :

"pools" : [
      "name" : "Goldcoin Hashfaster (gld.hashfaster.com)",
      "url" : "stratum+tcp://gld.hashfaster.com:3336",
      "user" : "*****.****",
      "pass" : "***"
"api-allow" : "W:",
"api-listen" : true,
"expiry" : "1",
"failover-only" : true,
"queue" : "0",
"round-robin" : true,
"scrypt" : true,
"intensity" : "15",
"worksize" : "256",
"no-submit-stale": true,
"scan-time": "1"

My .BAT batch file code is as below :

color 07
cgminer --scrypt  --auto-fan -o stratum+tcp://gld.hashfaster.com:3336 -u *******.**** -p **** --thread-concurrency 21712 --lookup-gap 2 --intensity 15 --worksize 256 -g 2

I have attached the CGMiner screenshot.
My problem is though i am mining at about 1.4MH/s, in my pool i could see only about 175 KH/s being submitted.
I studied that this may be due to too may Hardware errors (HW = high) being generated.

I would be happy if anyone can help me resolve this issue.


Trading Discussion / Future Prospects of Trading GLD
« on: November 12, 2013, 02:51:50 AM »
Hi Fellow GLD Miners and Traders,

Now that i am successfully mining GLD and able to trade them via www.cryptsy.com.
I am also planning to invest my money in building a my own custom rig which would generate 2100 KH/s and is costing me about 2500 USD
My ultimate agenda is to make real money my Mining or trading GLD.

But off late, I see value of GLD against BTC is going down day by day in www.cryptsy.com.
So could someone suggest me if I should continue mining for GLD ?


Newbie Central / Happy Goldcoin Mining from India
« on: November 07, 2013, 01:26:55 AM »
Hello Fellow Miners,

Glad to so many people here joining their hands to make GOLDCOIN significant.
Though i am a newbie, it took me only a week time to understand the concept of cryptocurrencies.
Let me know if anyone is finding it hard so i can help you in anyway possible.


Pages: [1]