Hello to my Goldcoin Family.
It feels as if i took a vacation and have just arrived back to my Goldcoin family.

I can say this year has been filled with many an interesting event, with one in particular that was quite a knock to my whole family was the loss of my Grandmother, who i can add here was an avid supporter of Goldcoin, with many late night discussions on what was happening in the crypto currency industry. Considering she was 89 years old, but was so fascinated by this new digital currency thing and exactly how it worked, she was an inspiration to me and she will be sorely missed.

On another note, i am feeling a lot more motivated and ready to move forward again. I have some fresh new ideas to implement and have been keeping the discussions up with my local South Africans. I will be working on hosting another event soon, which im quite excited about. I also have some ideas about a small information stall for Goldcoin in one of the major malls here in Port Elizabeth. I think it could give some nice general information and possible ways to get involved in Goldcoin. I have a few more ideas and will be working on on them as time goes on, and of course i will be uploading pics of each thing that gets setup.

I also wanted to make a quick note to everyone here that has faithfully kept working on Goldcoin. Thank You !!!