providing here fresh and funky Bootstrap file for our newbies

Blockchain Goldcoin Oktober 6th 2017!vk1wHBBD!__l5BICn5cjA0fYZ1LOvfbLtunUld7BUt0zRuXFuKws- until Block 706562
- with this you can have a up and synced client within 15 minutes

Okay first I would like to say thanks for choosing Goldcoin, GLD has been around since May of 2013 and has really gathered up some blocks.
I figured it was time to make a bootstrap file for the new folks out there to quickly get an up and running client, so you can get started within the next 5 minutes.
This will not fully sync the client, it will only make it faster doing so.
So firstly you will want to download the client, start it up and encrypt the wallet. This will give you a wallet.dat file within your Goldcoin appdata folder. This appdata folder is a hidden folder
on most systems. To access this folder easily you can go to the search bar and type %appdata% go to the roaming folder within this folder and scroll down to Goldcoin (GLD) folder.
You will see a few files within this folder, one is your wallet.dat file which you DO NOT want to delete. Then delete all files in Goldcoin (GLD) except the wallet.dat and goldcoin.conf file.
Again you must start the client first. Then shut it down.
Take the files included here in the extracted .zip folder you downloaded and place them into the Goldcoin (GLD) folder, replacing everything without your wallet.dat and goldcoin.conf file.
Start the client.
Congrats you have done it. Your work is now done. You now must wait for the client to finish fully syncing the blockchain.
Cheers and have fun with GLD!
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This Bootstrap was created on Friday, Okt 6, 2017
Block Nr.:706562
If you found this process helpful and wish to donate a few coins we would greatly appreciate it. All proceeds will go to further developments to Goldcoin to help pay bounties and such.
E1A6WogjpqU3KjjoRUD63f7kofrFozmyfg -- Development Wallet