AOL is out of it's mind it's closing Winamp and they'll be closing Shoutcast. Do they know how many sites they are going to hurt by doing this? There's a lot of sites I know of that host Shoutcast, the sites that give you free shoutcast for broadcasting and on and on. I guess they aren't happy with the $6 mill a year in advertising they get from Winamp. That's a real good reason to close something, It's only making us $6 million a year, who needs it?
I don't know about people that run companies these days. They have got to be some of the dumbest people on the planet. No clue as to what their doing or why it seems. I know people that could make Winamp and Shoutcast a better product/service. But no one can do anything. Because "They have the Copyrights" and get all bent out of shape if someone writes a program that will make it work better. You can say,I did this for what ever and they'll say "We own the copyright, you can't do that or we'll sue you" bunch of dummies running the company.
Don't think it'll affect my stream. But now I'll need to learn Icecast, don't think it's that hard. But I've been using Shoutcast for so long it's easy.